Finding Out What Denture Implants In Wall Township, NJ Are?

Finding Out What Denture Implants In Wall Township, NJ Are?

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Tired of dealing with missing teeth or unstable traditional dentures that make it hard to live life normally? When people have these types of dental problems, then they will want to improve their smile with denture implants in Wall Township, NJ. With denture implants, patient’s will have a more stable and comfortable new smile that will allow them to perform their everyday activities normally.

Interested to find out more about what denture implants are? Here is more information on what denture implants are.

What Is A Denture Implant In Wall Township, NJ Composed Of?

A denture implant is composed of two or more dental implant posts that securely stabilize a denture in place. Although it gives the patient new teeth, the denture implant may not look or feel natural in their smile. The denture is, however, crafted from high quality acrylic or porcelain material. The two or more dental implant posts are strategically placed in the patient’s jawbone at an angle and depth that will securely hold the denture in place.

How Are Denture Implants Taken Care Of And Maintained?

Like any dental appliance, denture implants may require to be maintained over time to ensure that they function and are comfortable. The denture that is attached to the dental implant posts, even though it is made from high-quality materials, can begin to wear and tear over time. In such cases, the denture may need to be relined or repaired.

Relining involves adding new material to the inner surface of the denture, improving its fit against the patient’s gums and jawbone. A denture relining procedure is often necessary if the patient has significant jawbone resorption or their jawbone is changing shape over time.

Repairs, on the other hand, might be required for dentures that have cracks, chips, or breaks in them. The patient should get their denture implant looked at frequently to keep it looking and working well.

Are Denture Implants A Stable Tooth Replacement Option?

Because the denture is secured to two or more permanently placed dental implants, the denture implant won’t slip, loosen, or fall out of the patient’s mouth. Also, the denture can be designed as removable by the wearer or fixed by a dental professional.

For a removable denture implant, the denture clips onto the dental implant posts with special attachments, allowing the patient to easily snap the denture in and out of place so it can be cleaned and so the patient can sleep without it. This feature combines the benefits of traditional dentures’ removability, with the stability and support of dental implants, giving the patient a convenient new smile.

Are Denture Implants Functional?

Denture implants are a functional tooth replacement option, restoring the patient’s ability to eat and speak with confidence. Unlike traditional dentures which can slip or cause discomfort, denture implants allow patients to bite, chew, and speak comfortably and properly. This is because the dental implants are anchored into the patient’s jawbone, where they securely hold the denture in place.

What Exactly Are The Benefits Of Getting Treated With Denture Implants?

The following are the specific benefits that come from getting treated with denture implants.

Improves Dental Stability And Comfort:

Unlike traditional dentures, which may slip or move around the patient’s mouth, denture implants are securely anchored in place, giving the patient a stable and comfortable new smile.

Restores Dental Functionality:

Denture implants allow the patient to expand their diet and speak clearly, allowing them to enjoy their favorite foods and communicate without worry.

Enhances Oral Health:

By stimulating the jawbone with dental implant posts, denture implants will maintain the shape and density of the patient’s facial structure.

Are Long-Lasting And Durable:

Made from high-quality materials and supported by dental implants, denture implants are designed to be a long-lasting tooth replacement option.

Increases Confidence:

Because denture implants restore a patient’s smile in os many ways, denture implants can significantly boost their self-esteem, allowing them to smile, laugh, and socialize without feeling self-conscious.

Are Easy To Maintain:

Depending on the type, denture implants can be easily removed to be cleaned, letting the patient maintain good oral hygiene without hassle.

Come Our Office So We Can Upgrade Your Smile With Denture Implants

At our caring and dedicated practice, we can expertly transform your smile with proven and reliable denture implants. Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Avi Isreali and our exceptional team at our Sage Dental NJ practice to schedule an appointment today!

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