
All-On-X - Wall Township, NJ


"I Was Embarrassed By My Smile, Dr. Israeli Restored My Smile Through Dental Implants"

As an adolescent, I took dental health for granted and I really didn’t take too much care of my teeth. As a profession, I am a disc jockey, and I’m seeing I’m always in the spotlight of people. After a couple of years, my teeth just started disintegrating. I started losing teeth, and I became embarrassed to do my job in front of people. In the public spotlight, I want to be able to have a nice, beautiful smile. Sage Dental is helping me achieve that. It’s definitely image conscious because I know people are looking at me and then going home and thinking of me as a toothless DJ or a toothless MC. I don’t want people remembering that at somebody else’s wedding. I want them to remember the wedding and not me, and not having teeth in my mouth.

The price point is better priced than any other dentist in the area, by far. The full-arch is professional. Doctor Israeli is very professional, I'm very pleased with the results.


Over the years, as it got worse and worse, I saw my smile starting to go away, and I became embarrassed to even open my mouth. It just got to the point where even trying to eat basic foods, I couldn’t chew. I was afraid of choking, and I just had to learn everything all over again. It just got to the point where I’m too young to live like this, and I need to get my smile back.

Dr. Avi:

Jason came to me, and he had a long-term problem of having tooth decay and tooth loss and lack of confidence. Basically, his teeth had to come out. The few remaining ones that were up there had to come out, and the bottom ones, as well.

Right now, what we did for him was clean up his mouth. We put in new implants, he went home the same day with a new set of teeth, the temporary denture on his lowers. In a short while, he’ll have his permanent final zirconia on the upper, and we’ll start the process for the implant to the lower.


The price point is better priced than any other dentist in the area, by far. The full-arch is professional. Doctor Israeli is very professional, great bedside[?] manner. I’m very pleased with the results that [inaudible] had, and I’m now very pleased with the results that he gave me 20 years later.

Walking into Sage Dental, I felt like a very comfortable environment, that everyone at the desk had a smile on their face. They greeted me warmly, they explained to me the whole procedure, and I was taking care of step-by-step. All my questions were answered. Everybody’s professional, courteous, and helpful. I felt very comfortable here. Where both people could be scared of going to the dentist, this is the complete opposite. I feel very comfortable in the environment here. Everybody’s very warm and inviting and comforting. At Sage Dental, I feel like I’m more than just a number. I feel like I’m a patient. I feel comfort. The doctor will ask me personal questions, like I’m in the house of my DJ business. He actually takes a personal interest in his patients, as opposed to just, “Next, next, next,” and just go through the line.

I can’t thank the staff enough for working endlessly. They answer text messages after hours and talk to you anytime. They answer all your questions. They’re very helpful and very friendly. They explain things on the way they can easily understand, and I feel very comfortable. It feels like an environment like a home.

I was on the brink of this for many years, and I didn’t pull the plug. I suggest anybody who’s having any dental issues, come in now. Come to Sage Dental, make an appointment. It was worth it. It will change your life. Believe me, it happened to me. It will happen to you, as well

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